Family Castle is a historical residence

Wedding, birthday, events .......

knock knock don't be afraid and come visit our Château 

 -  no ghosts or moats full of skeletons -

Rent the entire Château

the timelessness of a family chateau : weddings, family gathering, events, weekends or holidays, birthday party …. whatever the reasons, that’s what we offer – a different place to live simple moments surrounded by your family and friends

The luxury Here

  “The luxury here lies in the space, the calm and the luminosity typical of this Burgundy” G.Raynal, painter friend of the family.
Located south of Morvan (Burgundy), at the foot of Mont-Beuvray and a few kilometers from Paldenshangpa La Boulaye (Temple of a Thousand Buddhas) the largest Buddhist meditation center in Europe, the Château de Rivière is a charming residence with a breathtaking view of the surrounding valleys.

Information & Booking : Tél. ++33 (0)    e-mail: